Halloween Special – Silent Hill 3 (PS3)

What better way to feel alive than to be scared? And I don’t mean “Oh no something pop up and scared me for a little while” kind of scared. I mean being disturbed to the point where you can’t stop thinking about it. If you are looking to spend a whole week looking over your […]

Professor Layton And The Curious Village (DS)

Surely this week must be international puzzle week for here is another review about a game that will keep you guessing. Mysteries that keep you wanting to see more, puzzles that you will remember and enjoy, and characters that you will love, hate, and admire. This curious village will have you walking its length and width many […]

High drama, creepy dreams in the comfort of your house! – Catherine (PS3)

If you thought you had tough moral decisions to make in games like Skyrim, think again. Not only will this game change its ending depending on your choices, but it will make you take a look at yourself and answer some personal questions. Catherine! The puzzle solving nightmare of a young man in trouble. Can you help […]